Think about your history with reading. Many of us started out with board books and bedtime stories. Then elementary school when teachers used to have a moment of down time when they’d read a cool book aloud. Fast forward to the later school years when teachers assigned book reports and entire books by when? Next Friday? Write an essay during class? I won’t even start on college. It’s no wonder some lose their fascination with books.
Here are a few facts about reading that go way beyond what you might expect. According to the National Reading Campaign, reading reduces stress for 60%, slows heartbeat and relieves muscle tension. Reading is a stress fighter: 600% more beneficial than playing a video game, 300% more useful than a walk, 100% more effective than drinking a cup of tea, and 68% better than listening to music.
But this study found 42% of graduates never read a book after graduating college.
World Book and Copyright Day is the day that more than 100 nations celebrate books and reading. Celebrate this 23rd World Book Day on April 23 by selecting and starting a book on a topic you truly love. Then celebrate yourself by finishing it.
Visit our countdown to World Book Day website and register to win $25 Amazon gift card or Kindle Fire! Becker Circle marked day four of the countdown.
The reasons we read are different for everyone, so…
Read on!