Our universe is made of millions of galaxies, but voids exist between them. Cosmologists still debate what causes these voids. Some speculate that concentrations of dark energy pull these galaxies apart creating these voids. Astronomers say as much as 96% of the universe is composed of dark matter and dark energy, which no one has ever directly seen. And they only have theories as to what these dark substances are.
Life has similar mysteries. Have you ever known anyone who always gets bad luck? No matter how nice or how careful they are, these poor souls get the short end. Why? No one knows. The theories of dark energy and dark matter in the cosmos are fitting metaphors for good and bad karma. Dark matter, scientists believe, bring planets and stars together while dark energy pushes them apart and destroys things to create massive voids. Some astronomers believe dark energy will eventually destroy our universe. This is what continues to happen to Gillian, the heroine in Dark Energy, Return to Becker Circle.
Gillian is a smart, badass young woman who never breaks her word. But keeping promises sometimes puts her life in danger. Her boyfriend Jon applied the theory to Gillian in a song he wrote for her called Dark Energy. He says the song symbolizes Gillian as the dark matter that draws people to one another, similar to the way gravity pulls planets, stars, suns, and other matter together in the cosmos. But she’s forced to fight off dark matter.
Do you have people in your life that feel like your dark matter—the ones who connect ideas, create bonds, shape things for the better? Friends who bring you happiness and confidence? It takes as many of your dark matter people to resist dark energy—the empty space that slips into the voids in our lives to disrupt. Some speculate that we attract the good and the bad by our thoughts or actions. I believe karma is much more random. If there is logic to it, why do bad things happen to amazing people?
We can control how we treat others—become their dark matter.