Do you remember when . . .
- The high-pitched hum meant you were dialing into the Internet?
- We had to use pay phones when on the go?
- We could go out and our parents couldn’t reach us?
- Blue jeans didn’t stretch?
- People wrote phone messages at work on pink “while you were out” notepads?
- It took finger gymnastics to dial a phone number on a rotary phone?
- NEW! Cameras had film, and we had to manually advance it, and then wait days and pay big bucks for only 14 frames to be developed?
- We had to go to stores to buy things?
- Car phones known as “the brick” came in a purse-sized bag and the handset was attached?
- A man came to the car to pump your gasoline (and usually brought bubble gum for the kiddos)?
- Packages took days to arrive, but the milk man dependably delivered fresh dairy every week?
- Password was a game show rather than a catalog of codes we use daily?
- People dressed up to fly, and we could meet friends and family at their gate when they landed?
- We had to walk across the room to change the TV channel, which wasn’t often since there were only four stations?
- We couldn’t fast forward through TV commercials?
- We had to watch a TV show when it aired, or catch it later in the season as a rerun?
- There was only one computer in the house?
- We manually rolled down car windows?
- People could smoke anywhere
- Teens left their hunting rifles in their truck’s back window gun rack in the high school parking lot?
- Elevators and cross walks didn’t talk and devices in our house didn’t listen?
- People wrote letters, visited, or called someone to reach them?
- Love letters were on paper, and we had to lick the postage stamp?
- We had to go to the library to do research?
- Phones didn’t take photos?
- NEW! There were no selfies?
- We paid tollway fees to a person in a little booth. On lucky days, the do-good person in the car in front of you paid your toll?
- Stereos were pieces of furniture?
- We listened to music on the radio or had to buy it on albums, tapes, or CDs?
- The fast way to send a document was faxing it?
- Whiteout covered up mistakes?
- NEW! TVs and cars had antenna poking out of them.
- NEW! We changed light bulbs all the time before LEDs came along.
When writing fiction, we have to remember the old ways to be authentic for novels that take place in the past. We also have to keep new ways in mind so the old ways don’t slip into contemporary novels–like dialing phones and rolling down windows. What’s your favorite nostalgic memory of the way things were? Add your memories to social media and I’ll build on this list (and credit you!).
Cheers to nostalgia!