There’s a definite difference between bitch and badass.
In my mind, people earn the bitch title when they act out spitefully and without explanation. “Where did that come from?” is the natural reaction. We’ve all had a similar experience—like a rubber band snap out of nowhere.
We girls can be badass. That means we have firm beliefs based on fact and deliver the message with grace and conviction.
For example, Oprah is a badass. So are Emma Watson, Gal Gadot and her Wonder Woman character, and Barbara Walters. Princess Diana was as well, in a quiet way. I don’t always agree with these badass ladies, but I respect their kindness and conviction.
In Becker Circle, Gillian, the main character, is far from perfect, but she’s also a badass. During her fresh start in Becker Circle, she screws up, owns up, and learns from her mistakes. Badass women are typically intensely independent and rarely count on a man to back them up. They also know their limits and are strong enough to ask for help when they need it. What real or fictional lady badass inspires you most and why?
It took me until I was about 35 to sort out how our world works. Since then, I constantly question how I fit into this world. During this period is when I realized my mother’s advice was rarely right for me (she’d disagree). That’s why I created Gillian, a strong, imperfect but wise 21-year-old. The one I wish I had been. Life can be easier when you learn your badass ways early, but it’s never too late.
If people think you’re a bitch when you handle things with strength, grace, and conviction, it’s on them.
To me, you’re badass!